Tiny Living Dead







WEAPONS  ProficiencyImage result for zombies walking dead

      Three  categories. , Light-melee, Heavy-melee and Ranged. You can still attack unarmed, or improvised weapon (such as a rock or bar stool), but this does not count as a Proficiency unless you take the trait.


Optional Rule:  ZONES

In the Close Zone, you can attack with:Related image

• Light Melee
• Heavy Melee
• Ranged (at Disadvantage)

In the Near Zone, you can attack with:
• Heavy Melee
• Ranged

In the Far Zone, you can attack with:
• Ranged

Super powers can be used from any Zone, as long as it makes sense for the character (and with the Game Master’s approval).


       Hit Points are an abstract representation of a character’s experience, luck and tenacity. One good sword thrust or arrow impact can put even powerful characters out of action. Hit Points are your effort to forestall that fateful event. Losing Hit Points represents fatigue, cuts and bruises, and attrition of resolve. When your HP reaches zero, it means your luck has finally run out and you must immediately make a Saving Roll. If the roll succeeds, the GM rolls on the first column below and applies the result immediately. On a failure, the second column is used.
      If your Hit points are reduced to zero by a non-lethal source (such as punches, grappling moves, or anytime your opponent chooses to inflict non-lethal damage) no saving roll is made. The GM simply rolls on the third column and applies the result.
      The following are temporary traits which apply to the character until they are resolved as described below.


1-3 Incapacitated
4-6 Wounded
1-2 Wounded
3-4 Dying
1-5 Incapacitated
6 Wounded


             Incapacitated – The character is unable act for the rest of the conflict.Related image
This may represent being knocked out or succumbing to pain and
shock. The character is helpless and may not move on their own or
communicate with their allies. A generous GM may allow you to crawl
a short distance, but that is all.
            Characters are restored to 1 HP after the current situation has been
resolved. The character might be groggy and disoriented, but otherwise
may act normally.


             Wounded – The character suffers a serious injury. In addition to the
effects of being Incapacitated, the character has ongoing disadvantage
on all tests and may only move at half their normal rate. A wounded
character may never have more than 1 Hit Point.
           Wounded characters who attempt strenuous activity risk worsening
their injuries. If a player insists on having the character exertImage result for zombie bite walking dead
themselves, they must make a Saving Roll. If the roll fails, the action
fails automatically and GM rolls again on the Non-Lethal column
above and applies the result. Characters that are Wounded a second
time for any reason are now Dying.

            Dying – The character suffers a mortal wound and is slipping away.
They may take no action other than a Saving Roll on their next turn.
If the roll succeeds, they are no longer dying. If the roll fails, the end
is near. On their next turn, the character makes a final save with
disadvantage -- failure means they have died.





“Don’t you die on me!”
At any point, up to and including the turn after death occurs, an adjacent
ally may make a Saving Roll to stabilize the dying character. Characters with
the Healer trait make this roll with advantage. Success stabilizes the Dying
character and upgrades them to Wounded. Any amount of magical healing
automatically stabilizes the character.

           Killed – The character has suffered a catastrophic injury and is dead. No Saving Rolls are possible.



RecoveryImage result for zombie bite walking dead
          After at least one hour of uninterrupted rest, a character recovers a number of Hit Points up to one half the number in their original score including bonus HP granted by armor. 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep restores all lost points.
         Recovery for a Wounded character requires an extended period of rest, a decent environment and proper nursing. If these elements are lacking, recovery may take much longer. In especially poor conditions the character’s health may worsen at the GM’s option. Following recovery, the GM may wish to award the Wounded character a permanent reminder of their experience, such as a limp or interesting scar. These trappings have no mechanical effect on play.


           You need at least 6 in-game hours of uninterrupted sleep every day to regain your strength. If you manage to obtain 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, you will fully restore any lost Hit Points to your maximum. You otherwise regain 1 Hit Points for every hour of sleep.
           When asleep, Survivors are unconscious. If something is going on around them, they are less likely to be aware of it, and are at Related image
Disadvantage when making a Test to see if something wakes them up.

           The dying process begins when you’ve taken enough damage to reduce
your Hit Points to 0. Hit Points cannot be reduced below 0. At this point, you’re
knocked unconscious, and without further assistance, you could succumb to your
wounds and die.
           If you are at 0 Hit Points at the start of your turn in Combat, you can only
make a Save Test to stabilize yourself. A successful Save Test will bring your Hit
Points up to 1 and this will end your turn. If you fail this Save Test, you get one
last chance at surviving on your own—at the start of your next turn, make one last
Save Test, at Disadvantage. If you fail this final Save Test, your Survivor dies.
            While you are unconscious, any ally can attempt to stabilize you by making
a Save Test as an Action on their turn, providing they are adjacent (or Close) to you.
On a success, you are restored to 1 Hit Points and your next turn would start as a Related image
normal turn. Additionally, any items or abilities that could potentially heal you while
you are unconscious— such as the Healer Trait, or healing powers—can be used by allies to bring you back from the brink.









      Attempting to hide or sneak around is performed simply by
making a standard Test with 2d6. If the Test is successful, you
are hidden, or your actions went unnoticed.
     Note that you can’t simply hide in plain sight, so you need some
sort of cover or concealment to hide. It is up to the Game Master to
determine if you are in a situation where you could potentially hide.
Allies and enemies alike can also make a standard 2d6 Test to
locate someone—or something—that is hidden.
     Hiding during Combat uses an Action, as does searching
during Combat. These Tests can only be done during your turn.

Optional Rules: Character Growth

Image result for zombie bite walking dead
The Minimalist Advancement
    To advance your characters with the minimalist advancement
track, simply gain 1 new trait every 3 sessions. A character can
never have more than 7 traits. If you would gain a trait past 7, you
may instead swap out a non-Archetype trait for a new trait.

Experience Points
      At the end of every session, the GM will award experience. You may buy upgrades with the following costs.
• 6 Experience = a permanent increase to your SC of 1.
• 8 Experience = a new Proficient or Mastered Weapon.
• 10 Experience = a new Trait.

For the GM
Everyone gets the same amount of XP for their character.

Experience is generally awarded as follows:
• 1 for the group as a whole for good roleplay.
• 1 for the group as a whole for defeating enemies (not per enemy, just if they defeated any enemies).
• 1 for the group as a whole for advancing the plot and their goals.
• 1 for the group as a whole if players contributed to the out of game enjoyment of the session (snacks, music, carpooling, hosting at their home)



Tiny Living Dead Character Creation

